The "problem" with Sally's is that I go in for one thing, and walk out with at least 5. Today was no exception. But I guess if there's any store for that to happen, I should be thankful that it's Sally's because I can always try something new and it's all very affordable. Plus, they have a great return policy, so hold to your receipts!
If you are a frequent Sally shopper, you should think about buying investing in their membership that costs $5.00. For all their products, on their sticker label, there are typically 2 prices. One in bigger font and one in smaller. The smaller font, is usually a cheaper price for "members only". The card will easily pay for itself, depending on what you buy. This shopping excursion for example, saved me about $3.
My favorite purchase, and of course, spontaneous purchase, was a nail buffer and Bubble White.
"A glossy block with two buffing sides; use the gray (600 grit) side first and then the white 4000 grit shiny surface. It is perfect for natural nails and artificial nails. Buffs to a high gloss, long lasting shine without oils or topcoat"
OrigiNails Bubble White - $9.99
"5 minute effervescent nail cleaner and whitener for natural and artificial nails makes even the dullest, dingiest nails sparkling bright and white. Can even remove smoker's stains and hair color from nails. Whitens, brightens and cleans nails in minutes. Bubbles away yellowing stains and discolorations from natural nails."
This is not the best of pics (they were taken on my iPhone for easy upload), but I hope you can see the difference! You honestly have to try it for yourself, you will not believe your eyes!

AFTER (I buffed it w/the white shiny surface)
I used the Bubble White, but used it after the Buff and Shine, so I couldn't notice any major difference. Must try again, maybe next week.
Have fun and enjoy your natural nails like never before!
Have fun and enjoy your natural nails like never before!
I made a homemade cherry pie recently and my nails were stained from pitting the cherries for days! This would have been perfect!