you don't have to live in Chicago to know/hear how awful the winters are.
my face has suffered the most when it comes to dryness. i tried applying double moisturizer, and use facial scrubs to help get rid of dead skin cells, but i still have that pesky flakiness, especially after I'm done putting my powder and foundation on.
FINALLY, i found something that works wonders for me! Vitamin E Oil! it's not rocket science, but i have a mix of dry and oily skin, so i've always been a little aprehensive. but let me tell you, this stuff is perfect for the winters.
you can find this at any store, but I found mine at the $.99 store when i was home in California over the holidays. i'm not sure if they have it at DollarTree, just keep your eye out for it! you can also use those Vitamin E caplets and poke a small hole. it's probably not the most ideal, but it does the trick.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
my Brushguards are here!
and i've never been more excited to clean my brushes!
i'll take pics and share my journey, of course! i'll be following Michelle Phan's tutorial - cleaning them with a combo olive oil/dishwashing detergent and then use my new Brushguards to dry them.
did you can keep them on, while you're using the brushes too? this will help me NOT lose them! but you have to be careful to not pull it the wrong way - take it all the way off and pull it through, as you would be try them. just stop before it touches the bristles.
i'm thinking about cutting them in half so I can double my brushguard inventory. we'll see if my thrifty plans work :o)
here's another review by Wayne - super excited!!!
i'll take pics and share my journey, of course! i'll be following Michelle Phan's tutorial - cleaning them with a combo olive oil/dishwashing detergent and then use my new Brushguards to dry them.
did you can keep them on, while you're using the brushes too? this will help me NOT lose them! but you have to be careful to not pull it the wrong way - take it all the way off and pull it through, as you would be try them. just stop before it touches the bristles.
i'm thinking about cutting them in half so I can double my brushguard inventory. we'll see if my thrifty plans work :o)
here's another review by Wayne - super excited!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
sweet, yummy....BEER?
oh yes, my friends. it DOES exist, and you will love it!
it's called Lindeman's and received an A grade! It's also considered a Lambic, which is a distinctive type of beer brewed only in the Pajottenland region of Belgium. It's unusual fermentation process gives the beer its distinctive flavour: dry, vinous, and cidery, with a slightly sour aftertaste.
they come in the following flavors:
* Peach
* Apple
* Black Cherry
* Raspberry
you can find these, usually the Raspberry and the Peach, at Trader Joe's, CostPlus World Market, BevMo, Binny's and even at smaller liquor stores.
while they are a little on the expensive side ($8.99 - $9.99) for 25.4 ounces, it's sooo worth it!
when you order from restaurants, they usually sell them for the same exact price, but in the little baby bottles.
if you live in Chicago, Piece has it on tap for $5 a glass! it's not a full size beer glass, but still hits the spot. i usually get two :o) fabulous pizza, Piece brewed beer for my guy and Lindeman's Framboise (raspberry) can you say, happy place?
thank you to my F5, who first introduced me to this, back at her first Cali home in Pomona!!

it's called Lindeman's and received an A grade! It's also considered a Lambic, which is a distinctive type of beer brewed only in the Pajottenland region of Belgium. It's unusual fermentation process gives the beer its distinctive flavour: dry, vinous, and cidery, with a slightly sour aftertaste.
they come in the following flavors:
* Peach
* Apple
* Black Cherry
* Raspberry
you can find these, usually the Raspberry and the Peach, at Trader Joe's, CostPlus World Market, BevMo, Binny's and even at smaller liquor stores.
while they are a little on the expensive side ($8.99 - $9.99) for 25.4 ounces, it's sooo worth it!
when you order from restaurants, they usually sell them for the same exact price, but in the little baby bottles.
if you live in Chicago, Piece has it on tap for $5 a glass! it's not a full size beer glass, but still hits the spot. i usually get two :o) fabulous pizza, Piece brewed beer for my guy and Lindeman's Framboise (raspberry) can you say, happy place?
thank you to my F5, who first introduced me to this, back at her first Cali home in Pomona!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
hi, my name is marii, and i am a water snob.
my favorites are either Evian or Fiji.
my least favorites are Dasani and Aquafina.
i swear, i can taste the difference! but in all honesty, if the water is cold, then i can't really taste the difference. but, i'll still make a 'yucky-face' @ Dasani or Aquafina, even when it's cold! :oP
because i hate to have my water (in a cup/water bottle) get to room temperature too quickly, i like to put some ice cubes to make it last longer. i try not to use too many water bottles and my cups are too small sometimes.
VOILA, i found the perfect solution!
check out these glass water bottles from Precidio! how stinkin' cute are they? the ones that i bought are different than the ones that are available on this site - but seriously, they are all adorable! i actually bought mine from Marshalls, very randomly, for $7.99! and luckily, Precidio has a tiny little logo, which i then used to hunt them down for this blog. this site sells them for $9.99.
i love it because the mouth is big enough that i can put regular ice cubes in it. also, it rarely 'sweats'. i've had it do so on occasion, but as i'm typing this, my waterbottle sits comfortably without a coaster.
the lid/lip is also very interesting. it's got the lid that you screw, but there is an additional screw in the middle where you can turn it to control the water flow. i don't know why i'm such a klutz, but on several occasions, i've spilled all over myself. so now, i drink with the lid completely off. the lid is magnificent though because i've traveled with it on occasions and it has not ever leaked!
Love Love Love.
you will too! Be green and drink cold water :o)
my favorites are either Evian or Fiji.
my least favorites are Dasani and Aquafina.
i swear, i can taste the difference! but in all honesty, if the water is cold, then i can't really taste the difference. but, i'll still make a 'yucky-face' @ Dasani or Aquafina, even when it's cold! :oP
because i hate to have my water (in a cup/water bottle) get to room temperature too quickly, i like to put some ice cubes to make it last longer. i try not to use too many water bottles and my cups are too small sometimes.
VOILA, i found the perfect solution!
check out these glass water bottles from Precidio! how stinkin' cute are they? the ones that i bought are different than the ones that are available on this site - but seriously, they are all adorable! i actually bought mine from Marshalls, very randomly, for $7.99! and luckily, Precidio has a tiny little logo, which i then used to hunt them down for this blog. this site sells them for $9.99.
i love it because the mouth is big enough that i can put regular ice cubes in it. also, it rarely 'sweats'. i've had it do so on occasion, but as i'm typing this, my waterbottle sits comfortably without a coaster.
the lid/lip is also very interesting. it's got the lid that you screw, but there is an additional screw in the middle where you can turn it to control the water flow. i don't know why i'm such a klutz, but on several occasions, i've spilled all over myself. so now, i drink with the lid completely off. the lid is magnificent though because i've traveled with it on occasions and it has not ever leaked!
Love Love Love.
you will too! Be green and drink cold water :o)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
iPhone 3Gs case - cute, under $10 so it won't break your heart, WHEN they crack!

i've been on the lookout for a new case, ever since i cracked my first one - super cute, huh! and cheap too!
sorry, this first one isn't under $10, but it's only a dollar more!
@ $11, this autumn flower case has a rubberized feel

$4.99 for each!!
the quality is not too shabby, both are nice and sparkly.
i've already had 2 rhinestones fall off my zebra, but only because
i was pretty rough with it. the heels is really girly!
and @ $4.99 a pop, i won't be too sad to let them go.
just buy 2 at a time!
it's a company in Hong Kong, so it took about 2 weeks to get my new babies.
and i think shipping was free!
so colorful:

$7.99 at
how about this one:

black and white marble
love this, too:

line flower
mariiLang designs - baby bag collection
it's official! mariiLang designs has expanded into the baby loving crazed world! :o)
check out my album on facebook, but here is a teaser:

check out my album on facebook, but here is a teaser:

not too long ago, my friend V and his partner in crime, Alice, asked me to give them some feedback on their package design for a product called LashCard. i'm honored to have helped in that process and am so proud to share about them!
less than 6 months later, they have launched this amazing new product that is getting featured all over the place! on February 11th, Alice was featured on TV in Hawaii (KHON Wake Up 2Day) check out their facebook page for all their other features: LashCard. Don't forget to "like" their page for me, too!

i LOVE using this and at first, wasn't sure if I was doing it correctly. then, i realized that the white backgroud helps me see and control my mascara. plus, the LashCard helps me avoid 'accidentally' getting any mascara on my eyelids.
**be the first 10 friends to leave a comment below and get a free 10-pack of LashCards for yourself!**
to order, visit their website: LashCard - $5.99 for a 10 pack (two sizes on one card, so you could technically use both sides and double the usage!)
less than 6 months later, they have launched this amazing new product that is getting featured all over the place! on February 11th, Alice was featured on TV in Hawaii (KHON Wake Up 2Day) check out their facebook page for all their other features: LashCard. Don't forget to "like" their page for me, too!

i LOVE using this and at first, wasn't sure if I was doing it correctly. then, i realized that the white backgroud helps me see and control my mascara. plus, the LashCard helps me avoid 'accidentally' getting any mascara on my eyelids.
**be the first 10 friends to leave a comment below and get a free 10-pack of LashCards for yourself!**
to order, visit their website: LashCard - $5.99 for a 10 pack (two sizes on one card, so you could technically use both sides and double the usage!)
V & A - i'm so amazingly proud of you!!
Clean Brushes + Clean Makeup = Beautiful Skin!
i'm super ready to press the pigments (loose form of eye shadow) that my friend KM graciously gave me samples of from her ginormous collection. I also have some "shattered" eye shadows that can now be saved - yahoo! so last night, i did some research on how to "press" your own eye shadow on youtube.
there are a ton on youtube, but this is the one i found by oMISSMLEo:
i also found some empty eye palettes on ebay for $4.99! great price, but shipping is $7.99 and it may take 2 weeks to get here. oh well, patience is a virtue. one that i must practice! :o) i can't wait to get started!
while i was quite excited about converting/saving my eye shadow, i was even more excited to stumble across this youtube video by Michelle Phan on how to clean and store your make up brushes.
at first, i was SO confused when Michelle talks about how it's best to dry your brushes with the bristles facing down. i've always laid them flat, but now i know it's a no-no. you'll have to watch the video to see what i'm talking about. but, to fast forward a bit, i can't wait for my brushguards to come! i especially love their 'story' (on their website) and how they have partnered up with Community Gatepath to help with their packaging.
there are a ton on youtube, but this is the one i found by oMISSMLEo:
i also found some empty eye palettes on ebay for $4.99! great price, but shipping is $7.99 and it may take 2 weeks to get here. oh well, patience is a virtue. one that i must practice! :o) i can't wait to get started!
while i was quite excited about converting/saving my eye shadow, i was even more excited to stumble across this youtube video by Michelle Phan on how to clean and store your make up brushes.
at first, i was SO confused when Michelle talks about how it's best to dry your brushes with the bristles facing down
"The Brush Guard is packaged by the members of Community Gatepath, which has provided vocational services for developmentally disabled adults for over 90 years"
Yummies for my HAIR!
all my life, i've struggled with my hair. when it was long (past my waist), it was so thick and heavy, I always had to tie it back. when i cut it short, i'd have to have my stylist "thin" it out so much that it would feel heavy again in less than a week.
i've come to terms that i have stubborn hair that looks terrible without any products. but i have not given up the idea that my hair could look fabulously shiny and feel super soft! so, on with my mission to find the perfect products.
i'll start with my newest favorites:
1. Macadamia Natural Oil
* i've only used the deep repair masque and LOVE it! it does say to only use twice a week, but for those 2 days a week that i can use it, i can totally feel the difference! I found them both at Ulta, but they also have their own website, Macadamia Natural Oil.

they also have an oil infused comb and brush - i'm totally intrigued!

another new favorite:
2. Organix Coconut Serum: i bought this at CVS for $5.99. if you're lucky, CVS will have a buy 1, get the 2nd one 1/2 off.

it smells SOO good and while it feels a little heavy when you first put it on, it doesn't feel heavy.
don't worry about it being too shiny when you first put it on. that is actually the only thing i wish was different. it looks soo shiny when you put it on, but the look does not last. i'm hopeful that my hair just sucked in all in, since my hair can be that selfish sometimes :o)
i'm kind of shocked at how much i do love Ulta now. i never understood it and thought that it was just a replica of Sephora. it kind of is, but with lower end and affordable face care, but also high end hair care. it's quite the pluthera of products. you should try one out, i think you'd be pleasantly surprised, too!
i've come to terms that i have stubborn hair that looks terrible without any products. but i have not given up the idea that my hair could look fabulously shiny and feel super soft! so, on with my mission to find the perfect products.
i'll start with my newest favorites:
1. Macadamia Natural Oil
* i've only used the deep repair masque and LOVE it! it does say to only use twice a week, but for those 2 days a week that i can use it, i can totally feel the difference! I found them both at Ulta, but they also have their own website, Macadamia Natural Oil.

they also have an oil infused comb and brush - i'm totally intrigued!

another new favorite:
2. Organix Coconut Serum: i bought this at CVS for $5.99. if you're lucky, CVS will have a buy 1, get the 2nd one 1/2 off.
- Indulge your senses with this exclusive blend of organic coconut milk to nourish your hair.
- While ultra whipped egg white proteins add strength and elasticity.
- Along with weightless coconut oils to add hydration and balance.

it smells SOO good and while it feels a little heavy when you first put it on, it doesn't feel heavy.
don't worry about it being too shiny when you first put it on. that is actually the only thing i wish was different. it looks soo shiny when you put it on, but the look does not last. i'm hopeful that my hair just sucked in all in, since my hair can be that selfish sometimes :o)
i'm kind of shocked at how much i do love Ulta now. i never understood it and thought that it was just a replica of Sephora. it kind of is, but with lower end and affordable face care, but also high end hair care. it's quite the pluthera of products. you should try one out, i think you'd be pleasantly surprised, too!
Monday, February 14, 2011
wow. it's been awhile!
how did time fly by so quickly? i just checked and my last post was in July! you blink, and voila, it's a brand new year!
one of my 'goals' this year was to start blogging again. for those of you who don't know, this started off as a way for my F5 (favorite, fantastic, fabulous, fearless, funny, etc. we alternate the 'f' adjectives all the time) to keep in touch, since for the past 4 years, we have been separated by over 3,000 miles. we used to share all our beauty secrets with each other, and before we knew it, we were getting mistaken FOR each other (my cute grandmother would start talking to J in Vietnamese, when she only saw J's back, thinking that it was me - lol!)
anyways, it would be great to have new readers to share and comment, but if not, these "hai femmes" are having a blast with each other! :o)

i've been using Victoria's Secret "VERY SEXY" lotion (and perfume, too, but sparingly) for the last 2 years and have loved it very much.

and then I found and loved Aquolina
one of my 'goals' this year was to start blogging again. for those of you who don't know, this started off as a way for my F5 (favorite, fantastic, fabulous, fearless, funny, etc. we alternate the 'f' adjectives all the time) to keep in touch, since for the past 4 years, we have been separated by over 3,000 miles. we used to share all our beauty secrets with each other, and before we knew it, we were getting mistaken FOR each other (my cute grandmother would start talking to J in Vietnamese, when she only saw J's back, thinking that it was me - lol!)
anyways, it would be great to have new readers to share and comment, but if not, these "hai femmes" are having a blast with each other! :o)

i've been using Victoria's Secret "VERY SEXY" lotion (and perfume, too, but sparingly) for the last 2 years and have loved it very much.

and then I found and loved Aquolina
because it smelled so much like cotton candy - YUM!
and now, i'm ready for something new! my good friend
Shannon and I share a love/obsession with lotion and bonded
instantly as soon as we found out we both loved Vaseline's Cocoa Butter!

sure enough, she brought over her newest find to share with me! it's this big ole bottle of Vanilla Butter by: c. Booth - it's super sweet, so it might be too strong for your palette. it's just perfect for me, though!

they have other scents as well: Coconut Fig and Lemon Sugar.
I bought mine at Ulta, but you can buy it on Amazon, too.
and now, i'm ready for something new! my good friend
Shannon and I share a love/obsession with lotion and bonded
instantly as soon as we found out we both loved Vaseline's Cocoa Butter!

sure enough, she brought over her newest find to share with me! it's this big ole bottle of Vanilla Butter by: c. Booth - it's super sweet, so it might be too strong for your palette. it's just perfect for me, though!

the first time i used it, i could smell it all day. now, i can smell it in whiffs, now and again and it makes me so happy. i still love it and haven't grown sick of it at all. but, my husband has teased me about how it smells like I dropped a "lotion bomb" in the bathroom after i put it on! good to know that it could be an excellent room freshener, too!
they have other scents as well: Coconut Fig and Lemon Sugar.
I bought mine at Ulta, but you can buy it on Amazon, too.
Cost = $9.99 for 32 fluid ounces.
It's a monster of a bottle!
Simple, natural, trusted.
It's a monster of a bottle!
Simple, natural, trusted.
Why should faces get all the special treatments?
c.Booth believes in equal rights for the skin below the chin.
Take a close look at yours and see if it doesn't deserve the four fabulous benefits of this extremely busy lotion:
A potent combo of alpha hydroxy acids works tirelessly
to ditch dead skin cells and even out skin tones so even sun-damaged areas
look healthy and happy.
Sweet almond, apricot kernel and shea butter oils work in perfect
harmony to hydrate needy skin.
Vitamins and minerals perform like superheroes, valiantly fighting
off the dastardly deeds of the harsh environmental forces that threaten our skin.
Caffeine firms and tones less-than-taut skin, making it feel youthful, revitalized and wide awake.
c.Booth believes in equal rights for the skin below the chin.
Take a close look at yours and see if it doesn't deserve the four fabulous benefits of this extremely busy lotion:
A potent combo of alpha hydroxy acids works tirelessly
to ditch dead skin cells and even out skin tones so even sun-damaged areas
look healthy and happy.
Sweet almond, apricot kernel and shea butter oils work in perfect
harmony to hydrate needy skin.
Vitamins and minerals perform like superheroes, valiantly fighting
off the dastardly deeds of the harsh environmental forces that threaten our skin.
Caffeine firms and tones less-than-taut skin, making it feel youthful, revitalized and wide awake.
i want to try all of their other stuff too, like the body!
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